Posts tagged Mindfulness
Understanding Anxiety: Its Impact and Paths to Relief

By Davis Kane, PhD

Anxiety is a common human experience, affecting us both psychologically and physically. It’s a normal emotion that serves an important function, but when it becomes excessive or persistent, it can interfere with our daily lives and overall well-being. In this post, we’ll explore the nature of anxiety, its effects, and effective ways to manage and treat it.

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Understanding and Addressing Sexually Compulsive Behaviors: A Compassionate Approach

By Davis Kane, PhD

Sexual behaviors, including watching pornography and masturbation, are often accompanied by intense shame and guilt for many individuals. This can be especially pronounced for those whose religious or cultural beliefs teach that these behaviors are immoral, whether before or within marriage. When such individuals engage in these actions, they may experience a deep discomfort—a misalignment between their values and their behavior.

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